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Strikin' Back at Strokes: Sponsorship Levels

Updated: Jul 26

We would like to invite your business to sponsor our Stroke Awareness Fundraiser Event

Sponsorship Benefits Summary





Product/service donation up to $500

Logo on flyers, mention in Slap Magazine, social media shoutout


Product/service donation $500-$1,000

Logo on flyers and posters, mention in Slap Magazine, social media shoutout, event banner


Product/service donation $1,000-$2,500

Prominent logo on flyers, posters, tickets, quarter-page ad in Slap Magazine, multiple social media mentions, event booth


Monetary donation $2,500-$5,000

Prominent logo on all promotional materials, half-page ad in Slap Magazine, multiple social media posts, press release mention, event booth


Monetary donation $5,000-$10,000

Prime logo on all promotional materials, full-page ad in Slap Magazine, dedicated social media campaign, event booth, present awards


Monetary donation over $10,000

Event named after sponsor, prime logo on all promotional materials, full-page ad in Slap Magazine, dedicated social media campaign, event booth, present awards, VIP seating

Sponsorship Levels for "Strikin' Back at Strokes"

In-Kind Product and Service Donation Options

1. Bronze Sponsor

  • Contribution:

  • Provide small product samples or services valued up to $500.

  • Benefits:

  • Logo placement on event flyers.

  • Mention in Slap Magazine’s event coverage.

  • Social media shoutout.

2. Silver Sponsor

  • Contribution:

  • Provide products or services valued between $500-$1,000.

  • Benefits:

  • Logo placement on event flyers and posters.

  • Mention in Slap Magazine’s event coverage.

  • Social media shoutout.

  • Banner placement at the event.

3. Gold Sponsor

  • Contribution:

  • Provide products or services valued between $1,000-$2,500.

  • Benefits:

  • Prominent logo placement on event flyers, posters, and tickets.

  • Quarter-page ad in Slap Magazine.

  • Multiple social media mentions.

  • Banner placement at the event.

  • Booth space at the event.

Monetary Sponsorship Levels

4. Platinum Sponsor

  • Contribution:

  • Monetary donation between $2,500-$5,000.

  • Benefits:

  • Prominent logo placement on all promotional materials (flyers, posters, tickets).

  • Half-page ad in Slap Magazine.

  • Multiple social media mentions and dedicated posts.

  • Banner placement at the event.

  • Booth space at the event.

  • Mention in all press releases and media coverage.

5. Diamond Sponsor

  • Contribution:

  • Monetary donation between $5,000-$10,000.

  • Benefits:

  • Prime logo placement on all promotional materials (flyers, posters, tickets).

  • Full-page ad in Slap Magazine.

  • Dedicated social media campaign.

  • Banner placement at the event.

  • Booth space at the event.

  • Mention in all press releases and media coverage.

  • Opportunity to present awards at the event.

6. Title Sponsor

  • Contribution:

  • Monetary donation over $10,000.

  • Benefits:

  • Event named after the sponsor (e.g., "[Business Name] Presents: Strikin' Back at Strokes").

  • Prime logo placement on all promotional materials (flyers, posters, tickets).

  • Full-page ad in Slap Magazine.

  • Dedicated social media campaign.

  • Banner placement at the event.

  • Booth space at the event.

  • Mention in all press releases and media coverage.

  • Opportunity to present awards at the event.

  • VIP seating and exclusive access to the event for the sponsor’s representatives.

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